Friday, February 25, 2005

February 22, akhirnya...jadilah my BIG project

Mmh..setelah mengendap selama kurang lebih sebulan (proposal di SK-kan pas Januari) mulai lagi ney saya liat2 sources. However, sblm ke sana, saya mo baca dulu bukunya Jo Ray McCuen and Anthony C. Winkler, judulnya Writing the Reasearch Paper: A Handbook [3rd ed.] Florida: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. buatan tahun 1979.
Banyak yg bisa didapat, diantaranya:
1. why it should be a research paper?
2. bibliograpy
3. biliography cards and note cards
4. plagiarism
5. in writing the paper it should have unity, coherence and emphasis

“weblogs can easily replace traditional classroom uses of the private print journal” -> Lowe and Williams

Traditionally, a collaborative writing class shares and responds each other writing product in a classroom. As internet has been part of our educational technologies, for some big cities, a collaborative writing class can also use internet as the media. While in regular classroom students can only share ideas with their teacher and another students, internet make it possible to share with the entire world, anyone who connected on the web.

'tring!'Nah…akhirnya selesai sudah pergulatan ttg judul. Sekarang hrs bertarung lagi dgn teori2 yg sudah ada.

*Roel!!! Caiyo…keep writing, mo lulus taun ini, kan?* yup...cross your fingers for me, please?

What to do next???
1. Start your blog about your doing research (the one that you are reading now J)
2. telepon Bu Isti (minta izin menggunakan kelasnya)
3. cari as many sources as you can about collaborative writing (kalo ttg blogging dah numpuk, alhamdulillah)
4. make your note card and bibliograpy card

Ala kulli haal…alhamdulillahirabbil’aalamiin…