Monday, October 31, 2005

Thanks to ALLAH SWT

Hanya itu yang bisa terucap dari hati saat menjumpai kenyataan bahwa Agustus kemaren Roel bisa juga ikut sidang. Mmhhh....serasa mimpi. Soalnya Roel baru bisa ngumpulin draft skripsi tuh hari Rabu..sedangkan sidangnya hari Jum'at. Kebayang ga sih betapa nekatnya aku? Anyway..ternyata ada yg lebih telat dari Roel. Ada juga temen2 yg ngumpulin pas hari Kamisnya. Katanya sih blm ditanda tangan sama Pembimbing I yang kebetulan beliau adalah Ketua Jurusan.
Well....Roel mau ngucapin makasih banyak bwt semua yg udah bantuin...di bawah juga udah Roel posting koq, plus sama abstract juga. Buat yang mau ngambil sbg referensi juga boleh...just call me!

ABSTRACT (it has a copyright!)

The Use of Informal Language in Indonesian Muslim Blogger
Members’ Weblogs
(A Descriptive Study of Indonesian Muslim Blogger Members
Who Are Living Abroad and Frequently Using English)

Many factors influence people whether they use formal or informal language in their writings. Some of them are the audience, the purpose, and the subject of writing. Informal written language is used mostly in informal situation. The characterizations of informal written language are the use of colloquialisms, many contractions, sentence fragments, new vocabulary, and short sentences. The study attempted to identify the informal language characteristics of writings in Weblogs. Weblog is known as a media to publish writings using Internet technology. This is a descriptive research that employs qualitative method. This research involved two members of Indonesian Muslim Blogger as the respondents. They were chosen because they are living abroad and frequently using English in their Weblogs. The data are obtained from the respondents’ postings in their Weblogs and the answers of open questionnaire. The research reveals that their writings are indeed consisted of informal language. Both of them have the same preference of informal language characteristics in their Weblogs. The most favorite is new vocabulary, followed by the use of contractions, colloquialisms, and sentence fragments.The research also finds the reasons for using informal language in their Weblogs. R#1 states that he considers Weblog as an informal tool and comprises only for his personal records, whereas R#2 seems to be not realized of her language use in her Weblog. Additionally, she only focuses on her communication goal and does not concern the language use.


Praise be all to Allah SWT, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Shalawat and salam be to Rasulullah Muhammad saw, the best man ever in the world. By the grace of Allah SWT, the writer can finish her paper writing, which is submitted to English Education Department, Faculty of Language and Art Education, Indonesia University of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Sarjana Degree examination.
I would like to thank all of people who have given their worthy contributions to my research and the paper.
Firstly, I would like to thank Drs. Wachyu Sundayana, M.A., as the main supervisor and Rojab Siti Rodliyah, S.Pd., M.Ed., as co-supervisor, who have donated their time, valuable corrections, guidance, and encouragements in completing the paper. Not to forget Head of English Department Education, Dr. Iwa Lukmana, M.A., for his guidance during my study moment. I won’t forget my valuable lesson in Semantic subject, Sir!
The most warmth love goes to my family. Emah and Apa who have given me their best affections, prayers, financial assistance J and endless L O V E. Not to forget my “three knights,” a.k.a bang El, a Din, en Faisal for your encouragement, also teh Rini “the-already-my-sister-in-law” and the little Iie “my instant niece,” Yuli “the would-be-my-sister-in-law.” The paper is for you all…. at last, I have made it anyway T_T
The important people in helping me for the administration matters, Pak Engkus, Pak Farhan, and Pak Irfan “the man behind Ruangan Skripsi”…thanks a bunch for all your enormous help.
To Pak Bukhori and Bu Emi, thanks for introducing me to this “writing world,” the intellectual and imaginative activity for me, even I am not a good writer =)
To Pak Dedy Suryana for the great motivation. You may not recognize me, but your enlighten words on that Friday evening have motivated me to finish the paper. It is true, I have written my S.Pd. title in my room before finishing my paper ^_^. And also to Kang Eri (whoops…sorry not to call you Bapak J), thanks a bunch for your time to correct my poor grammar. Hope you will always be the students’ inspiration in our Department.
To Emil and Mbak Titi…thanks for your willingness to be my respondents. To Adi Onggo for sharing your knowledge and experience in Weblog research. Also to all of IMB’ers…thanks for becoming my new companions in living my Internet life.
To Rika, Anna, Pipit, and SM for the voucher…thanks a bunch Sis!
To all of people accompanying my best moments in life...Nina, Tita, Rita, Abah, Mr. Didi, Daus’ mom, Deni Doyox cs, Andi, M-Yhes, Agus, all SMUNTIARA alumni, Ovie (I’m glad we meet in the same path..! hoping I can “follow you” soon ^_^), all of Edu A ‘00 (even though someone called us “the UNCIVILIZED people,” it is not a burden to be the best in life..!), ArRoyyan members (truly, my past three years are the joyful years…LanShy for sharing the room, Iyer for your kindness and charity, ‘chubby gal’ for making me full of laughter, Nukla for your encouragement, and Nisrina for your help in taking care the house), my friends in circle (hope we can still keep in touch!), my “daughters” meeting in UPI (thanks for giving me the chance to be more mature), students of SMP GAPURA, and all of you who knows me….sorry not to mention your names…it does not mean you are not important…it’s only a matter of paper ^_*
May Allah SWT bless you all……The last gratitude is for a person who is waiting there…I even do not know you at all.