Monday, March 28, 2005

What a Weblog Is?

Weblog is a personal site in Internet enclosed with writings varies from opinions on certain topics to a daily activities story.

Blog—a short form of weblog—is also full of the owner’s links liked along with their comments.
However, recently, the weblog is not only contained with the list of links along with the owner’s—who called blogger—comments but also they are full of bloggers’ opinion, thoughts or even just their story of daily activities.

Planning Stage-a half form

Many people think it’s not an easy one to start writing. They often think that it is hard to know what to write.

Winterowd names this stage as “prewriting”. He explains it as “a period of getting ready”. It is relevant since many would-be writers, even the professional, need time to

In the planning stage, Ruggiero (1985) suggests some guidelines to unlock our mind.

1.The first is to find a topic.
It can be from our hobbies, the places we’ve visited that are fascinating, our impression on something, and quotations from well-known people.

2.The second is to generate ideas.
We often do not realize that ideas are everywhere around us. As we are traveling, or in the bus station waiting for the coming bus, or in the queue of cinema, etc. we will encounter situations that will inspire us.

outline for chapter 2--the latest one

2.1 The Writing Process
2.1.1 Planning
2.1.2 Drafting
2.1.3 Revising

2.2 What a Weblog Is
2.2.1 The Feature of Weblog
2.2.2 The Characteristics of Weblog

2.3 Weblog for the Process of Writing
2.3.1 Weblog for Sharing and Exchanging Ideas
2.3.2 Weblog for Publishing Writings

judul baru....proposal baru....bab baru....semuanya baru!

Tadinya, pagi ini mau ngambil proposal yg dah diliat sama #2 supervisor, tapi ga jadi. Katanya, beliau salah ngambil proposal. It's OK. Lagian, rencananya roel mau ngasihin bab 2 sekalian, tapi blm selese. So...roel selesein dulu, terus bsk serahin. Ntar, kamis diambil lagi (semoga Allah melancarkan, aamiin) terus direvisi bentar, terus diserahin #1 supervisor. Lanjut ke bab 3 terus bab 4 terus bab 5...selesai deh...

Wah....asyik banged yak klo lancar kek gitu? However...hiks..hiks...kenyataan tak seindah impian T_T

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

the background

Most of the time, many teachers still carry on the technique in teaching writing by having them write an assignment and then score it without giving back to them (Alwasilah, 2001). Actually, giving back the students their writings is needed in order to suggest a feedback which is important to let them know how the quality of their compositions are. Furthermore, such condition only provides teachers to evaluate the product in spite of the process of how the students accomplish their writings. This still happens up to now since most of teachers only assess the composition which is written at that time. The method is by having the students write down a composition, generally in 30 minutes to one hour, and collect them to the teachers to be evaluated. This is not fit for students-centre learning where students are the focus of learning. Obviously, teachers should find more ways in improving students’ progress in writing skills. Alwasilah (2001) suggest a collaborative work where students are divided into small groups involving five to six students and allocate time for them to have another look at one another’s writing before they rewrite their compositions. This is appropriate to classes in our country since we have 35 to 40 students in a class.

One of the points in collaborative work is to have students experience their own process of writing. Having given comments of their writing—both on grammar and content—and rewrite it make them conscious of their process of writing. The students will know that writing is not an instant job. That it needs much time to write a good writing.

Generally speaking, there are three stages in writing process. They are planning, drafting, and revising. In spite of doing these stages alone, student can share them with the class in collaborative work. Besides the classmates, teacher can also have a role to be a collaborator. Thus, teachers can function not only as an evaluator but also a consultant.

Recently, collaborative work has introduced only for class interaction. The collaborators are the classmates and teacher. Evidently, it is very helpful for the progress of learning writing. The students are urged to share their writings with others. Furthermore, it is interesting to find out if their writing process is spread out all over the world. Students let the entire world have a look at their writings and—the foremost—their process. Internet makes it possible. As the development of technology, internet can be applied in learning activity. In this case, Internet provides students the chance to publish their writings. Using free software which is called a weblog, students can easily publish their writings. It is a new phenomenon in this virtual world that many people have made use of weblogs for their own interest (Nasution, 2004). Yet, the using of weblogs has not applied in educational settings. Related to teaching writing, weblogs can be used as a device in writing process because of theirs properties. Kapur (2003), a journalist, says that

“Blogging is a way of organizing your thought process….”

while Armstrong et. al., state a weblog as

“A web-based space for writing where all the writing and editing of information is managed through web browser and is immediately and publicly available on the Internet.”

Nasution (2004) in his article entitled Apa Itu Blog, said that Jorn Barger, in December 1997, is the person who firstly used the term weblog to mention the community of personal websites that is updated continually containing links of other websites which they think interesting. They also add their comments while they were surfing from one website to another. Blog, a short term for weblog, has been developing to be a personal website that not only consists of links but also personal writings of the blogger's—someone who has a blog—thoughts, feelings, and daily activities. It happens to be an online diary or journal that is published and can be read by anyone. Blog can also free us to share and express our feelings to others. Writing in blog can also be more fun since many people can easily access our writings and enrich our thoughts then.

In teaching writing, as stated before, weblogs are very helpful for students to be a channel in gathering and keeping their thoughts, some students think weblogs can alter the function of books (Armstrong). Additionally, Armstrong reveals in her study that students can capture their learning development.

Another benefit of weblogs is that students can publish their writings easily and be read by people who connected to Internet. This sharing-writing activity is important since it is involved social interaction. Moreover, the webs provide community who will interact closely with the students. It will support the students to become solemn in writing a composition since they realize their writings will be accessed by many people. As stated by Catherine Smith (cited in Lowe and Williams) that students “take real-world writing more seriously when it is done on the web, where it might actually be seen and used.”

It’s time for teachers to take weblogs into account in teaching writing. The public characteristic is one of the advantages that will make students’ writing process more meaningful


Alwasilah, A. Chaedar. (2001). “Language, culture, and education: a portrait of contemporary Indonesia.” Writing is neglected in our schools, 23-29. Bandung: Andira.

Armstrong, Laurie, et al. Blogs as electronic learning journals. [Online] Available at [] Retrieved on February 20, 2005

Kapur, Rohini. (2003). Can blogs help students? [Online] Available at [] Retrieved on January 13, 2005

Lowe, Charles and Williams, Terra. (2004) Moving to the public: weblogs in the writing classroom. [Online] Available at [] Retrieved on January 11, 2005

Nasution, Enda. (2004). Apa Itu Blog. [Online] Available at [] Retrieved on November 2, 2004

Saturday, March 12, 2005

changing my idea

wah...hare gene masih nyoba2 untuk ganti judul? kayaknya ngga deh..tapi kalo emisal roel stuct terus gimana donk bagusnya? Nih beberapa alternatif judul:
  1. The Use of Weblog in Collaborative Writing, yg ini memang fokus roel dari awal. bahkan roel dah bikin outline untuk chapter2-nya. bisa diliat kan di posting yg sebelumnya?
  2. Weblog as Learning Journal: The Exchange from Private to Public, maksudnya menjadikan weblog untuk learning journal di kelas. pengen tau aja gmn it works. kan biasanya learning journal itu dibaca sama temen2 kelas or the teacher, nah sekarang the journal goea public...does it have any effects?
  3. Weblog Phenomenon: Have Your Writings Go Public, yg ini ide terbaru. niatnya cuma mo reseacrh ttg fenomena weblog. paling roel neliti blog-nya org Indonesia, terus nanya2 para blogger. terus ntar hasilnya, mungkin, tentang pengaruh weblog dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis para blogger. tapi, ini cukup dalem ngga ya klo dijadikan skripsi?

Well, what do you think????

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

tHe OutLine

I try to make an outline of Chapter 2. It’s about theoretical review of my issue.

1. Weblog and Its Features

1.1 Definiton (the first person who named it, contents of Weblog, examples of some Weblogs)

1.2 Having A Blog: What to Do?
(Kinds of Weblog sofware; focusing on as I’m gonna use it for the research, the procedure of signing a Weblog)

1.3 Make Your Blog Colourful (or interactive?)
(Design, Tag-board and comment facilities)
Is this section really needed???

1.4 The Body of Weblog
I’m gonna put a figure of a simplest Weblog and than explain it one by one.

2. Weblog in Educational Purposes
2.1 Weblog for educational purposes
2.2 The use of Weblog to share and exchange ideas
2.3 The use of Weblog to publish writings

3. Blogging in Collaborative Writing Process
3.1 The classroom as a traditional collaborative writing device
3.2 Weblog to enhance the application of collaborative writing