Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Wah..wah..alhamdulillah...pertolongan 4JJI selalu terasa dekat. Setelah kemaren dibilang klo bab 2-nya koq tipis...tadi pas bimbingan lagi udah boleh lanjut ke bab 3. Well, you know...I spent da nite alone in front of computer...I think 4JJI has given His mercy because of my willingness. Not to mentioned the prayer...thanks for all
Monday, May 30, 2005
get stucked again...
Alhamdulillah, roel dah bisa nyelesain bab 2. Tadi pagi menjelang siang, roel bareng sama beberapa temen lainnya ketemuan sama pa supervisor...kita dah seneng aja tuh bapaknya dateng walaupun telat banget, jam 11.30an lho! Kan yg dateng banyak tuh, so antri deh supaya tertib *bebek aja bisa natri ya?* Berhubung roel dateng agak siang, so dapet ketiga dari belakang deh. Pas lagi nunggu giliran, bapaknya keluar, terus bilang, "Masih ada ya? Besok aja ya? Saya lagi nulis soal bwt PGSD dulu, udah dikejar2 dari tadi." Well, the point is, roel ga jadi bimbingan!!!!! TApi sempet ngeliatin bab 2 hasil perjuangan dulu sih, en komentar dari bapak tuh bikin roel gemes sama diri sendiri. Katanya, "Masa untuk bab 2 tipis gini, sih?" :(...Ya Allah....beri roel kemudahan*menengadahkan tangan*
Friday, May 27, 2005
Weblog Efficacy in Improving Writing Skill
Weblog Efficacy in Improving Writing Skill:
1. Helping bloggers to develop ideas
2. Helping bloggers to have confidence
3. Helping bloggers to find their own voice
4. Helping bloggers to achieve critical thinking
5. Helping bloggers to structure thoughts
Ada yang mau nambahin???
1. Helping bloggers to develop ideas
2. Helping bloggers to have confidence
3. Helping bloggers to find their own voice
4. Helping bloggers to achieve critical thinking
5. Helping bloggers to structure thoughts
Ada yang mau nambahin???
The weblogs usage
The weblogs usage
As mentioned before that bloggers used to present many links and added with comments. The links may be the latest news in the country of bloggers, or the articles that has something to do with the bloggers’ interest.
In recent times, people have also added their writings such as essays, poems, and a story about his or her days. The bloggers have the freedom to determine what is to write or fill in their weblogs. This is what makes a weblog can be called an online diary or journal. Many writings can be posted without any worrying to be refused as the writers deal with when they send their writings to the mass media. In the web, they can do publishing. Many voices could be conveyed, dreams could be expressed, stands could be argued and all of this can be done as easily as an instant message is sent (Blood, 2000).
As mentioned before that bloggers used to present many links and added with comments. The links may be the latest news in the country of bloggers, or the articles that has something to do with the bloggers’ interest.
In recent times, people have also added their writings such as essays, poems, and a story about his or her days. The bloggers have the freedom to determine what is to write or fill in their weblogs. This is what makes a weblog can be called an online diary or journal. Many writings can be posted without any worrying to be refused as the writers deal with when they send their writings to the mass media. In the web, they can do publishing. Many voices could be conveyed, dreams could be expressed, stands could be argued and all of this can be done as easily as an instant message is sent (Blood, 2000).
The Weblogs Organization
The Weblogs Organization
A weblog has at least a blog header, posting, archives links, and personal identity. Furthermore, as there are many sites offer accessories to beautify the look of weblog, people begin to put these in their weblog. These include a commentary system, a shoutbox, a list of friends’ weblogs, and a hit counter.
1. A blog header. This is on the top of weblog.
2. Postings. Postings are the entries that the blogger write on. They are probably list of links and commentary, essays, poems, personal thoughts and any kind of writings. They generally appear in chronological order where the latest entry will be on the top of postings area. When someone looks in on others weblog, he or she will always cope with the newest information at the top of the page (Hourian, 2002).
3. Archives link. It is the area that we can see the archives in which bloggers have posted. Other bloggers can click one of the links to read the previous postings.
4. Personal identity. The bloggers may describe themselves in a sentence or even a detail of their personal identity.
5. A commentary system. It is the place where other bloggers can comment on what has been posted. The system provides an interactive communication among bloggers since it will encourage a discussion.
6. A shoutbox. It gives a chance for bloggers to have a simple chat. It is generally used for saying hello, sending regards, asking ‘how are you doing?’ and so on.
7. A list of friends’ weblogs. It is the place where the bloggers provide links to the friends. A blogger often visits another blog whose the owner are not their friends through this links. The activity arouses a new community in the Internet.
8. A hit counter. It is used to see how often the weblog is visited by others.
A weblog has at least a blog header, posting, archives links, and personal identity. Furthermore, as there are many sites offer accessories to beautify the look of weblog, people begin to put these in their weblog. These include a commentary system, a shoutbox, a list of friends’ weblogs, and a hit counter.
1. A blog header. This is on the top of weblog.
2. Postings. Postings are the entries that the blogger write on. They are probably list of links and commentary, essays, poems, personal thoughts and any kind of writings. They generally appear in chronological order where the latest entry will be on the top of postings area. When someone looks in on others weblog, he or she will always cope with the newest information at the top of the page (Hourian, 2002).
3. Archives link. It is the area that we can see the archives in which bloggers have posted. Other bloggers can click one of the links to read the previous postings.
4. Personal identity. The bloggers may describe themselves in a sentence or even a detail of their personal identity.
5. A commentary system. It is the place where other bloggers can comment on what has been posted. The system provides an interactive communication among bloggers since it will encourage a discussion.
6. A shoutbox. It gives a chance for bloggers to have a simple chat. It is generally used for saying hello, sending regards, asking ‘how are you doing?’ and so on.
7. A list of friends’ weblogs. It is the place where the bloggers provide links to the friends. A blogger often visits another blog whose the owner are not their friends through this links. The activity arouses a new community in the Internet.
8. A hit counter. It is used to see how often the weblog is visited by others.
Weblog as a New Phenomenon in Internet
Weblog as a New Phenomenon in Internet
Recently, Internet has been developed radically. We are familiar with e-mail for some years, but now we are facing what called ‘weblog’ as a new service in Internet. Weblog—or blog in short—is a kind of personal website. The term was used firstly by Jorn Barger in December 1997 (Blood, 2000) to name personal sites containing list of links that has been visited and added commentary by the editor referred to as a ‘blogger.’ In the first time, weblogs were only created by those who already knew how to make a website. However, since August 1999 there is a rapid growth of weblog as Pyra launched Blogger.com, a tool to build our own weblog freely even without knowing much about the code HTML (Nasution, 2001).
Suddenly a community of weblog sprang up. There are more than 100,000 weblogs that using Blogger.com services. In addition, there are other sites providing a tool to build weblog, such as Groksoup, Velocinews, and Edit This Page. All of these services are free and also designed to make individuals can publish their own weblog fast and without difficulty (Blood, 2000).
Recently, Internet has been developed radically. We are familiar with e-mail for some years, but now we are facing what called ‘weblog’ as a new service in Internet. Weblog—or blog in short—is a kind of personal website. The term was used firstly by Jorn Barger in December 1997 (Blood, 2000) to name personal sites containing list of links that has been visited and added commentary by the editor referred to as a ‘blogger.’ In the first time, weblogs were only created by those who already knew how to make a website. However, since August 1999 there is a rapid growth of weblog as Pyra launched Blogger.com, a tool to build our own weblog freely even without knowing much about the code HTML (Nasution, 2001).
Suddenly a community of weblog sprang up. There are more than 100,000 weblogs that using Blogger.com services. In addition, there are other sites providing a tool to build weblog, such as Groksoup, Velocinews, and Edit This Page. All of these services are free and also designed to make individuals can publish their own weblog fast and without difficulty (Blood, 2000).
Weblog as a New Phenomenon in Internet
Recently, Internet has been developed radically. We are familiar with e-mail for some years, but now we are facing what called ‘weblog’ as a new service in Internet. Weblog—or blog in short—is a kind of personal website. The term was used firstly by Jorn Barger in December 1997 (Blood, 2000) to name personal sites containing list of links that has been visited and added commentary by the editor referred to as a ‘blogger.’ In the first time, weblogs were only created by those who already knew how to make a website. However, since August 1999 there is a rapid growth of weblog as Pyra launched Blogger.com, a tool to build our own weblog freely even without knowing much about the code HTML (Nasution, 2001).
Suddenly a community of weblog sprang up. There are more than 100,000 weblogs that using Blogger.com services. In addition, there are other sites providing a tool to build weblog, such as Groksoup, Velocinews, and Edit This Page. All of these services are free and also designed to make individuals can publish their own weblog fast and without difficulty (Blood, 2000).
Recently, Internet has been developed radically. We are familiar with e-mail for some years, but now we are facing what called ‘weblog’ as a new service in Internet. Weblog—or blog in short—is a kind of personal website. The term was used firstly by Jorn Barger in December 1997 (Blood, 2000) to name personal sites containing list of links that has been visited and added commentary by the editor referred to as a ‘blogger.’ In the first time, weblogs were only created by those who already knew how to make a website. However, since August 1999 there is a rapid growth of weblog as Pyra launched Blogger.com, a tool to build our own weblog freely even without knowing much about the code HTML (Nasution, 2001).
Suddenly a community of weblog sprang up. There are more than 100,000 weblogs that using Blogger.com services. In addition, there are other sites providing a tool to build weblog, such as Groksoup, Velocinews, and Edit This Page. All of these services are free and also designed to make individuals can publish their own weblog fast and without difficulty (Blood, 2000).
Thursday, May 26, 2005
my respondent
who would be my respondents?
tadinya neh...mau temen2 blogger...dah gitu ganti jadi mahasiswa...dah gitu ganti lagi deh jadi member IMB jawa barat (kayaknya sih isinya orang bandung sadayana)so...bwt blogger yg jadi member IMB..roel mohon bantuannya...
tadinya neh...mau temen2 blogger...dah gitu ganti jadi mahasiswa...dah gitu ganti lagi deh jadi member IMB jawa barat (kayaknya sih isinya orang bandung sadayana)so...bwt blogger yg jadi member IMB..roel mohon bantuannya...
ganti judul lagi (lagi..lagi..dan lagi..)
Udah lama juga ya roel me-neglect-kan blog yg satu ini. Alhamdulillah setelah melewati masa2 pencarian, roel maju juga dgn judul kayak diatas. Thanks bwt adiyg mau bantuin. Semoga dibalas Allah dengan yg lebih baik.
Semoga judul yg ini adalah judul terakhir, semoga my supervisor juga bisa diajak kerkasama, moga kalo bimbingan dilancarkan ALlah, moga....semua yg telah roel jalanani mendapat pahala di sisi Allah...
Doakan ya...keep your fingers crossed for me
Semoga judul yg ini adalah judul terakhir, semoga my supervisor juga bisa diajak kerkasama, moga kalo bimbingan dilancarkan ALlah, moga....semua yg telah roel jalanani mendapat pahala di sisi Allah...
Doakan ya...keep your fingers crossed for me
ngapain sih capek2 ngadain penelitian?
Sebagaimana yg tercantum di proposal yg sekarang ini dah di-approved (alhamdulillah) ini adalah tujuan my research.
The aims of the present study are:
1. to discover the process of writing skill improvement in using a weblog
2. to find out the advantages and if any, the drawbacks that become the factors influencing the writing skill improvement
The aims of the present study are:
1. to discover the process of writing skill improvement in using a weblog
2. to find out the advantages and if any, the drawbacks that become the factors influencing the writing skill improvement