whoa....pengen nangis....T_T
I have just met my supervisor. You know what??? I couldn't focus to answer his questions, many questions... It's because I was speechless, dunno why. I hope the next meeting I will be ready for his questions. In order to be ready, what should I do?
- He said that I have to find a more specific purpose. In what relation does the weblog will help the writer's process. Is it in the planning, drafting or revising?
- I have to put more literatures relating to my research.
Duh...kurang apalagi sih, yak? Klo sama #2 supervisor ga terlalu ditekankan. Well, however I think what #1 supervisor said is true.
Can I graduate this year? I doubt it, BUT....!!! don't be sad....I'm sure Allah will help me and knows what better for me...